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Chamber Welcomes New Member Romac Orchards

The Sanford Springvale Chamber paid a visit to Romac Orchards to welcome

owner Wil Cote in Acton recently. Romac Orchards is a pick your own orchard

with wonderful views of the surrounding lakes and mountains. Wil has plenty

of plans for the future of the orchards and the Romac Orchard Facbook page

is the place to go to keep in the know.

Hours of operation are Wednesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., closed Mondays.

Wil can be reached at (207) 608-5443.

Pictured left to right are Evelyn Libby Fresh Start Boutique, Rick Stanley Chamber President Wil Cote Owner of Romac Orchards, Dan Bowden Pilots Cove Café, and Rebecca Lapierre Town Square Realty and Chamber Chair.


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